Trish is the Director of Connected Learning at Victoria University where she works with a talented team of learning designers to create innovative curriculum resources and build academic staff capability in contemporary learning and teaching practices.  She is currently leading a radical reconceptualization of the traditional University curriculum known as the Victoria University Block Model.

Trish has been involved in leading major curriculum change projects at two other Victorian Universities, RMIT and Deakin and has gained considerable insight and experience in the process of change management and leadership.








David is the Program Director, First Year and Beyond at Victoria University where he leads the implementation of the Australian first, Victoria University Block Model starting with the First Year Model and its successful role out in 2018.  He is now leading a program team of seven individuals working across the university to implement the block model for all years of VUs HE undergrad and sub-bachelor courses by 2020.

David has a passion for continuous process improvement which he used at his previous role at RMIT within the Simplicity Program and ITS.  Prior to this, David spent 21 years in the US Air Force as a pilot, project manager and process improvement.  Through the military he gained considerable insight and experience into leadership, change management and innovation.